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Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 33/52

I love spontaneous family fun! We were outside tonight after dinner, when a small rainstorm blew thru. Instead of hustling inside...we stayed...and played...

Week 32/52

Something happened to me between Kelli and Emily's births...I went from a "we will have our kids immunized by the books, right on schedule, and I wholeheartedly believe this is the right way" mom to a scared to death to immunize "we are going to wait until 8-12 months to give their first vaccination" mom... I am not sure what exactly triggered the switch, but I am confident it had to do with all of the contradictory information available at our fingertips...I am still unsure of what exactly is the perfect approach, but I/we landed on the delayed vaccine schedule...with Nathan it has been a VERY delayed schedule...so today he had his 2nd series of vaccines...It breaks my heart every time...never gets easier...

before immunizations....

After immunizations....wasn't too bad...paci and blanket came to the rescue!

week 31/52

All Snuggled up in my bed with my Kell Bell watching a very sweet (and a bit slow) movie called The Fox and The Child. She is by far my most snuggly child. She just nestles right in. I love it. I love her. She is a great kid. A joy to be around.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weeks 29 & 30/52...I think?...I've lost track!

I cannot believe that this year is more than half over, and getting close to three quarters over! And is it possible that school starts in less than three weeks????? Where has summer gone?? PLEASE, SLOW DOWN! When I turned the calendar to August, which seems like just yesterday, and now we are already more than a week in...I felt a pang in my heart. regret. I wasted alot of time this summer. Wasted opportunities to spend precious time with these two sweet kids who have been home all summer. And now it is nearly time to go back. I pouted for a little bit. Then decided it was silly to waste time being regretful, and made a commitment to be intentional with investing in these next 2 1/2 weeks and make the most of what we have left. Along with that came some soul searching about what I have been doing with my time, and one of my biggest time wasters is this crazy box that connects me to so many wonderful, interesting, thought provoking, inspirational things....yet takes me away from the wonderful, interesting, thought provoking, inspirational things that are right here under my nose....my babies. Time is too short to be stupid. So I have decided to shut off the computer until school starts, and make these 2 weeks, weeks that will be remembered...I told Andrew and Kelli tonight what I was going to do...."I don't believe it..." was Andrew's response...which made it even more clear to me that the amount of time I am on the computer is sinful, and a stronghold...if my 8 year old can see the pull it has on me, the importance I place on it...it's a no brainer! So I am posting these two sets of photos tonight and then signing off...I will be checking business emails once a week, after kids are tucked in, and that's it...no facebook, no blog posts, no checking other blogs, no photography forums, nada. So again, I will be behind next time I post, but I hope to have great stories of great moments shared with this amazing family of mine!

We had a delicious dinner and great fellowship at Brian's parents house Friday night. Right before we left I asked Nancy to snap a family photo...
Week 29/52

Andrew and Kelli attended an awesome Vacation Bible School the latter part of the week...each of the 100+ kids was given one of these safari hats!

Silly daddy...

blurry...but I love it!

I've still be running most every morning before Brian leaves for work...but it has been a struggle! It's like my body is revolting since the triathlon. I realized that I haven't done anything but run or walk since and I think cutting the bike has really made the difference in my lack of endurance. So I have added the bike back in a couple times a week. Saturday I asked Kelli if she wanted to come with me, and I pulled the little ones. We had a great time, with a few short stops to rest tired little legs and grab a drink of water, but she did amazing! We went 4 miles and she didn't complain one bit! She's a trooper!

Week 30/52

Can't wait to see what the next couple weeks hold with these crazy kids!